B2B & B2C Retail Business

Location: Emmet County, Michigan

Listing ID: CK2309163M

Status: Sold

Listing Description


Serves two markets, business and the general public.  This business has great growth potential! It is known for being innovative, offering excellent quality and a unique experience for its clients.  Located in one of the most desirable locations in their area.

Since opening in late 2012, the business has provided consistent sales and free cash flow from operations.  Everything in the location was purchased new, has been properly maintained and remains in excellent condition.

The owner has strategically established this enterprise well within the business and residential community.  He has developed a strong loyal clientele.  There are many already identified methods to allow a new owner to grow sales and profitability.

*** NOTICE ***

Due to the nature of the business and geographies served, details of the business area need to be held in confidence until a Non-Disclosure Agreement is executed by interested parties.

Listing Details

Total Sales: $515,000

Cash Flow: $64,030

FFE: $222,143 (Included in Price)

Inventory: $10,000 (Included in Price)

Reason For Sale:

Ready for a change. Children away at college, looking for a new challenge.

Training & Support:

Training is available during transition period.


Year Established: 2012

Year of Last Acquisition: 2012

Days & Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday - 11:00am – 8:00pm; Friday & Saturday - 11:00am – 9:00pm; Sunday - 11:00am – 6:00p

Owner Hours Per Week: Owner/Operator

Employees: 12 - 15 Part-Time


Lease Option: 2) 5 Year Renewal Options

Monthly Rent: 3593

Type of Location: Strip Mall

Square Footage: 1875

Facilities Information:

Newer unit is 1,875 square feet unit.

The location is in a very popular and desirable area, with easy access both into and out of the development. Parking is free and more than sufficient.



Offers competitive advantages of:

•  Superior location – is in one of the most popular locations in the area.

•  Extensive list of high quality products.

•  Multiple avenues for growing the business.

Potential Growth:

Identified several items that will contribute to increased sales and profitability of this business.  They include:

•  Opportunities to grow existing business and move into new areas.

•  Expand loyalty programs.

