Recession Proof Specialized Clothing Store

Price: $499,000

Location: Northwest Michigan

Industry: Retail Clothing Store

Listing ID: CK240620PC

Status: Sold

Listing Description

This is a growing, successful and profitable specialized clothing business that continues to gain popularity with Millennials.  Since its opening, the business has seen consistent annual sales and positive net operating profits each year.  Despite the recent economic hardship of COVID-19, causing the closing of the store for about two months, the store’s results were close to 2019, even estimating $100,000 loss in sales due to COVID-19.  2021 was a record year for revenue and profits.

In late 2021, the owners hired a professional  Store Manager that has a Masters Degree in Fashion Merchandising and years of experience in the retail industry.  Since bringing him on board, they have seen a 30% increase in sales for November and December 2021.

Business is being offered at a very reasonable price that is below its valuation because owners are seeking new opportunities.

Listing Details

Total Sales: $935,500

Cash Flow: $265,607

EBITDA: $215,807

FFE: $27,127 (Included in Price)

Inventory: $98,000

Reason For Sale:

Pursue New Challenges

Training & Support:

Owner will provide necessary training and support during a transition period.


Year Established: 2012

Employees: 15

Managers: 5

Absentee Owner?: Yes


Lease Option: Expires 12/31/24, Option to Extend to 12/31/27

Monthly Rent: 4793

Type of Location: Retail Shopping Center

Square Footage: 4500



Limited – Competitors come and go, but most only last a year or two and then they close their doors.

Potential Growth:

Overall growth opportunities are good to excellent.  Owner has several suggestions that can be implemented to provide growth opportunities.


Owner willing to provide some seller financing to allow acquirer to secure SBA financing